Saturday 8 August 2015

What is the truth?

What is the truth?

The truth inspires and gives meaning to life, filling it with content and happiness.
How to achieve the truth?
The truth is sought with honesty and love.
To die without having search for the truth is a real waste.
"The truth will set us free".
There is no happiness or freedom without truth.
Lying is part of evil.
Blessed those that speak the truth!
It is easier to tell the truth than to lie.
Evil hides the truth, only searching for money or power.
Blessed are those who tell the honest truth, and doing so increase the freedom of others.
The truth will set us free and happy! Sharing the truth, we walk toward holiness.
What is the truth? It is pure holiness.

Monday 3 August 2015



To help somebody is one of the easiest ways to do a good deed for others.     
To help it is easy. The difficult part is to have the will to do it.
I have learned that helping others make you feel much happier.
I hope these words will awake those who are asleep and confused, just like I was not too long ago. I was driving my car and polluting the planet, no more!
Let’s hope this cry is heard far away, so it can reach everyday people so they also will lend a hand to others.
To help others to solve their problems is a source of deep happiness.
If we all help each other Mother Earth will be a wonderful place to live.

Helping others is very easy you only need the will to do it. 

Friday 31 July 2015



Driving a car polutes our world.
It took me 84 years to realize that driving a car pollutes our world. A friend, member of the Tamarán Opinion Group, helped me to realize this fact.
I always have advocated no to pollute and I was doing it.
This is the reason for these words.
If you, and most of us would stop driving, we will have less pollution, better health, more money and less trouble… It is not easy, because you have to realize it first and then accept it. 
The power of my legs is growing at an incredible speed.
The church it seemed too far away to go walking but now every day feels closer.
Now I get to know many taxi drivers. I am learning a lot with my talks with them. How receptive they are!
What I am getting for not driving? Well, I am being true to my principles.
Stop driving is actually quite easy, although maybe not as easy as moving around on a car. 
Stop polluting and live a natural life! It helps to develop you body and will power.

Just take the first step. The rest comes easily: feel the satisfaction of accomplishment, and the joy of doing something good for mankind.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

"The Nobel Prize of Participation"

What is participation? Everything good comes from participation.
What affects participation? Simply everything. Basically reduces evil.
Participation implies honesty. 
Happiness, freedom and natural habitats depend directly on honest and participatory behavior of all mankind.
There is no good that does not come from the honest participation.
The importance and impact of the honest participation depends on the personal, national and universal behavior.
There is nothing for a happy, free and natural life that is not a consequence of honest participation.
It takes a honest and participatory majority, to defeat evil and strenght good.
You, me, the neighbor must be part of this majority. If we fail to do so, we will be slave to evil powers.
I need all of you. I do not want to be a slave.
Happiness, freedom and wildlife urgently need honest participation from the majority. Let’s promote a NOBEL PRIZE OF PARTICIPATION.